
Business Development Services

At Develite Group Inc., we emphasize methods that focus on building relationships and business development. We will help you formulate feasible strategies and tactics in the following ways to improve your ability to pursue business development goals more effectively:

Review and optimize your digital brand image

Determine how to use social media channels to "listen" to industry leaders, competitors, and customers

Update tools for customer relationship management to maximize its efficiency and effectiveness

Develop new prospecting and sales dialogue methods to optimize the use of new hardware and software options

Modify the accompanying materials to be usable in both print media and digital media

Identify new ways to convey expertise and differentiated value to a broader digital audience


Digital Engagement Audits and Benchmarking

Our digital engagement audit services include reviewing and evaluating how your organization uses social and digital platforms and tools externally or internally (or both). Furthermore, we help you identify strengths and weaknesses; the final audit report also includes a roadmap for potential improvements and future enhancements that can be made in the short and long term.

External digital participation audits usually include

High-level formal review of current digital presence and activities, including websites, emails, social media, and other digital platforms and channels.

Assess how the organization utilizes and/or adapts to mobile technology and digital engagement and management tools.

Document the strengths and weaknesses of current participation.

Review how organizations and their brands are represented in cyberspace Identify other channels and tools that can be used and other growth opportunities.

Digital participation audits of internal concern usually include

A high-level formal review of current digital activities and related operating procedures, including email, social intranets, and other communication and collaboration platforms and tools.

Assess how the organization utilizes and/or adapts to mobile technology and cloud-based platforms and tools.

Document the advantages and disadvantages of current usage and procedures.

Identify other platforms and tools that can be used, as well as other growth opportunities.


Digital Optimization and Enhancement

At Develite Group Inc., we strive to offer a comprehensive, holistic approach that is practical and tailored to local conditions. Our digital optimization and enhancement services are tailored to reflect your organization type, industry, and key stakeholders, as well as your goals and objectives, as well as internal and external availability and skill level resources.

We can enhance your digital identity, design, and  optimize your digital participation ecosystem by offering the following services:

Deploy the latest tools and technologies.

Emphasize full participation, not just marketing.

Develop a set of integrated relationships and communication flows between various platforms and tools.

Create and deploy easy-to-maintain realistic content management and digital engagement activities.